Friday, November 8, 2019

Immigration to Canada essays

Immigration to Canada essays On the subject of putting more or less restrictions on migration, I would have to say that putting more restrictions would be necessary. I feel that if we let in people under low sercomstances more and more unemployed people will migrate to Canada. The first thing that I would like to discuss is unemployment with many of our immigrants. Most immigrants have a degree in a profession or in a field of work that is suitable for their home countries lifestyle. If a person of high skill in a country were to come here and not have the degrees or knowledge needed to work in that profession in Canada they would not get the job, and they would have to get that certain degree. This would probably mean that they would live on welfare if they do not get the degree. For these migrants to come into Canada and not work is a strain on society. This means that Taxes will go up, and that the people already living there and earning a living, will have to pay the government to pay these migrants that Immigration can also foster racism. If one particular culture was living in a specific area and then a new group, or culture, came in, the other culture may feel threatened. This is called xenophobia. This can aggravate racism and it puts a threat on the area. I am not saying that we should only let certain people into Canada, What I am saying is that if a great deal of people from form one culture come into Canada and take over, people will feel threatened and racism will When an immigrant immigrates to Canada unemployed with no work ethics, they tend to live off of welfare. They are basically taking advantage of getting money without working.This is unfair to our society because they are paying the government to pay them the money in which to live, and they arrant working to get it. Immigration with less restrictions means that anybody can come i ...

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